Examples of financing innovative projects

Joanna Wodzyńska, Rafał Czyżewski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.04

Vol. no: 30

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This article was written in order to characterize the innovative activity of enterprises in terms of its financing sources. Obtaining sufficient fundsis a basic requirement for undertaking any investment activity and it largely determines the further investment process and related decisions. An analysis of the available sources of financing indicates the interdependence between the innovation’s subject area and the structure of its financing.

Joanna Wodzyńska, Rafał Czyżewski, Wybrane źródła finansowania przedsięwzięć innowacyjnychPobierz

Study of the development of prosumer microgeneration in the Siedlce subregion

Zbigniew Cieszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.03

Vol. no: 30

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The paper presents the results of research and analysis of the currently most popular renewable energy sector, i.e. microgeneration. It is developed at the lowest level of the entire cycle of generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy, i.e. at the level of its customers.

Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Studium rozwoju mikroenergetyki prosumenckiej w subregionie siedleckimPobierz

Former and present attractiveness of industrial sectors in the development process of Poland and Mazovia

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.02

Vol. no: 30

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In the current discussions on the past and future prospects of industry in Poland, at least four areas require, in my opinion, much more attention and reflection. This means learning from our – not always positive – experiences.

Andrzej Karpiński, Atrakcyjność sektorów przemysłu w procesie rozwoju kraju i Mazowsza dawniej i dziśPobierz

Val d’Europe – ville du XXI siècle

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.01

Vol. no: 30

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Val d’Europe c’est une nouvelle ville réalisée en Région Parisienne, sur la base d’une convention PPP (Partenariat Public-Privé), signée en 1987 entre l’Etat Français et Euro Disney Associés1 filiale de The Walt Disney Company. La ville prévue initialement pour 60 000 habitants, compte actuellement 35 000 et reste la dernière composante d’une ville linéaire de quarante kilomètres – Marne-La-Vallée, satellite de Paris.

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton, Val d’Europe – miasto 21 wiekuPobierz

Innovation challenges for economics and law in health care Report of the 2nd scientific conference

Piotr Czekalski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.09

Vol. no: 29

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The scientific conference “Challenges of Innovation for Economics and Law in Health Care” was held on May 21, 2019, and was organized by the Department of Administrative Law and Local Government of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and the Department of Applied Economics of the College of Management and Finance, Warsaw School of Economics.

Piotr Czekalski, Wyzwania innowacyjności dla ekonomii i prawa w ochronie zdrowia Sprawozdanie z II konferencji naukowejPobierz

The basis of the nation’s freedom in the teaching of John Paul II

Ks. Zdzisław Struzik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.08

Vol. no: 29

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Building social ties between nations and between the natural relationships realized at different levels of life, such as family, school, town and country, and the state in which a nation resides, requires the adoption of basic moral values, especially freedom.

Ks. Zdzisław Struzik, Podstawy wolności narodu w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IIPobierz

Regional government projects

Editorial Board of Mazovia Regional Studies

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 29

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The article discusses the most interesting Polish local government investments in the period 1999-2019. These include the expansion of the Lublin Airport Regional Airport S.A. (Świdnik), Construction of a bridge over the Vistula River in Kamień together with the construction of access roads to the bridge, or Construction of the Meeting of Cultures Center in Lublin

Projekty SamorządowePobierz

The Mazovian Office for Regional Planning’s contribution to the development of Mazovia – results in the Siedlce subregion

Urszula Gadomska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.07

Vol. no: 29

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The article presents selected tasks of the Mazovian Regional Planning Bureau (MBPR), the implementation of which has had a significant impact on the development of the Siedlce subregion. The office has been carrying out the responsibilities of the local government of the Mazovian Voivodeship in the field of development policy and spatial planning for 20 years.

Urszula Gadomska, Działalność Mazowieckiego Biura Planowania Regionalnego na rzecz rozwoju województwa mazowieckiego – efekty w subregionie siedleckimPobierz

Investment needs of local government units after 2020. – can we afford to grow? – Conference Report

Barbara Jaworska-Księżak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.11

Vol no: 28

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On March 25 this year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Investment and Development, a scientific conference was held entitled: “Investment needs of local government units after 2020. – Can we afford to develop?”, which was attended by representatives of the world of science, local government units from the country, employees of the Ministry of Investment and Development. The conference was officially opened by Mr. Jerzy Kwiecinski, Minister of Investment and Development, who presented the current situation regarding the functioning of local government units (LGUs) and prospects for 2019.

Barbara Jaworska-Księżak; Potrzeby inwestycyjne jednostek samorządu terytorialnego po 2020 r. – czy stać nas na rozwój? – Sprawozdanie z konferencjiPobierz