50th issue of the scientific journal “MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne”

Aneta Bogiel

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2024.06

Vol. no: SE.2024

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The scientific journal “MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne” (MAZOVIA Regional Studies – MSR) has been published since 2008 by the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw (MBPR), a unit of the Regional Government of Mazovia, making it the only scientific journal in Mazovia to be published by a local or regional government. 2024 is a special year for Mazovia, as it marks the 25th year of the regional government’s functioning.1 In 2024, the Regional Government of Mazovia can also be proud of one more anniversary – the printing of the 50th issue of MSR.