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Solidarity Transport Hub – location principles

Anna Wieczorek, Mariusz Sowa

DOI: 10.21858/msr.45.04

Vol. no: 45

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In 2018, the Act on the Solidarity Transport Hub, known as the CPK Act, was enacted. This is another so-called special act in our legal system, on the basis of which public purpose investments are located without regard to generally applicable regulations. By the term Solidarity Transport Hub, the legislator defines a number of tasks, called projects, in particular the construction of a public-use airport and the roads and railway lines serving it.
The purpose of this article is to make readers aware of how complicated the CPK Act is and that the legislation in force prior to its enactment made it possible to locate the Solidarity Transport Hub, and that the effort needed to prepare the necessary documents required for this would not have been greater.